TestQual News

Perchlorate in food: impact on health and the importance of laboratory


Perchlorate is a compound found in food that can affect our health, as it has properties that affect our production of thyroid hormones. Findings on the effects of perchlorate on health, derived from multiple scientific studies, indicate a growing concern on this issue.

According to a publication on PubMed, perchlorate can affect thyroid hormones, which are essential for early neurological development. This is relevant, as certain foods and drinking water can sometimes contain higher levels of perchlorate than expected.

Furthermore, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also pointed out that exposure to perchlorate can inhibit thyroid function. This is especially concerning in sensitive populations such as pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and young children.

Given that perchlorate can be hazardous to health, it is imperative that laboratories are properly equipped and trained to correctly analyze its presence in food and water. Laboratories must follow a robust and precise procedure to adequately determine the levels of perchlorate.

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the analysis, laboratories should submit their testing methods to rigorous controls like proficiency tests. This allows them to identify discrepancies and improve the accuracy of their results. Also, the process of proficiency testing will allow laboratories to increase their technical competence against others on a global scale, specially when international laboratories partake in the proficiency test.

In conclusion, accurate detection and quantification of perchlorate in food and water is crucial to protect public health. Laboratories play a crucial role in this process and should strive to continually maintain and improve their standards of precision and reliability through intercomparisons.

TestQual is an accredited PTP in ISO 17043 and offers accredited perchlorate proficiency tests. Wether if you are a laboratory and are looking to check your perchlorate analysis or if you are a food producer and you subcontract the analysis to a laboratory, our international proficiency test can help you increase the trust of your clients in your service/product.

Check our catalogue, accreditation scope and get in contact with our team, we will be delighted to help you improve/mantain the trust of the industry in you.   






Consulted and written: 14/09/23